Friday, March 12, 2010

How to Block Porn on your Computer without Software

Unwanted images can crop up on your computer even with routine searches. To block pornographic material, many families have turned to software-based solutions. Software is expensive, requires updating and can be altered by computer-savvy children. Block porn and other harmful material from appearing on your PC and your home network by filtering all incoming Internet traffic before it reaches a computer.


  1. Step 1

    Sign up for an account at DNS is a service that translates alphabetic web addresses into the numeric IP addresses your computer needs to connect to a website on another computer or server. Most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) designate a DNS service, but you can choose any service you want.

  2. Step 2

    If you don't have a router, go into your control panel on your Windows XP system and click on network connections. Select your connection and click on properties and then on Internet protocol (TCP/IP). Click on properties and select the radio button marked use the following DNS server address. In the preferred DNS server box put and in the alternate DNS server box put and press OK when you are finished.

  3. Step 3

    If you have a router, it is best to set the DNS settings on your router rather than on a computer. Routers filter the traffic before getting to your computer, which increases security. It also allows you to change settings one time, rather than on each computer on your network. Find the DNS preferences on your router and change them to and and save. You may need to reboot your router for the settings to update. Specific instructions for your router can be found on

  4. Step 4

    Select filter settings. Sign into your account on and click on the settings section. Choose your desired level of filtering. To block porn and phishing (websites that attempt to gain your information through deception), select low. If you want to block pornography, phishing, adult sites and illegal activity, select moderate filtering. If you prefer to block all porn, illegal activities, video sites, social networking and time wasting websites, select high filtering. After selecting the radio button next to your desired filtering level, click apply.

  5. Step 5

    Block specific websites. If you have a specific website you always want to block, add it under manage individual domains. After you add the domain name to block, click add domain.

  6. Step 6

    Check settings. Wait two hours for your filtering and website blocking settings to be updated on opendns servers. After two hours, search for websites that should be blocked. You can search for general porn by putting free porn in a Google search and selecting one of the search results. If your settings are working properly, you should see a website that says: site blocked [website address] is not allowed on this network.

OpenDNS Launches Free Porn Filter

OpenDNS, a innovative startup that uses the domain name lookup architecture to fix misspellings and block attempts to surf phishing sites, now lets home users and IT administrators alike to block access to adult-oriented sites, using a long list of verboten URLs provided by St. Bernard’s human-edited database iGuard.

OpenDNS, which THREAT LEVEL highly recommends, is a free replacement to domain name service usually provided by ISPs. DNS is essentially a constantly changing phone book for the internet. When you want to surf to, your computer asks a DNS server to translate the name of the site into the numeric IP address where the site currently lives. OpenDNS is attempting to add intelligence to this service by removing confirmed phishing sites from the database, letting users choose to have automatically changed to to prevent domain squatting, and providing a keyword browsing service that works on multiple computers.

Now users can also choose to block adult content, from tasteless sites to hardcore pornography, by signing onto a new service. It’s easiest to use for large networks or individuals with a static IP address. Those who have a dynamic IP address (most common with dial-up or lower tier broadband connections) need to jump through an extra hoop by installing a program that reports your computer’s current address to OpenDNS. It’s relatively straightforward, though OpenDNS could do a better job of providing instructions.

Even if you aren’t interested in a free internet filter, you may well find that OpenDNS can keep you online when everyone else is timing out.