Thursday, June 3, 2010

How To Promote Web / Blog?

In particular I never promotions web / blog, either submit to the directory or submit to search engines. Typically for a new blog cuman submit it to google webmaster tools yahoo ama explorer,
For blogs that I use nyari money on the internet, I'm also not ever promotion. then how I'll be good backlinks and PR? This is what I do: Create a blog, for example you have 10 blogs, you create all 10 blogs are mutually nge-link with each other. JUST THAT! More and more blogs or web better to add a backlink, so it would not bother by spamming and find  backlink comments on those blogs.

There are industrious people who commented on the blogs of others can create traffic , if his intention can backlink? better do not have to comment, is it useless, because the default from wordpress or other blogging software such as blogspot or another, the link in the comments already set to nofollow, meaning that those links will not be considered "important" by the search engine robots. In fact, if one or plasticity spam comments, which usually have a blog also delete or mark us as a spam.

The safest way yes it was, create a blog much, the contents of that regular content. Besides can make  adsense or other programs, adding quite make adding backlinks to other blogs. At some point if pagerank update, the more likely to be a good pagerank, compared to blogs that do not have backlinks. Create a blog much better, as long as it can be taken care of everything.

From now on ready-ready to build content and backlinks, about a month or two months longer would pagerank update, if a good pagerank, you can join TLA.

Increasing Alexa Traffic Rank Through Google BUZZ

Alexa Traffic Rank endless ride? Do not worry if a friend become a member of this site Google for issuing a new service that Google's Buzz. With this service, so members can interact directly with his friends outside of email and the services provided by other social net work.

In my opinion, Google Buzz can also be used for online promotion our blog by writing articles in the column us the URL address and status updates. With promotion on Google Blog Buzz expected number of visitors will increase which would affect the Alexa Traffic Rank.

Google Buzz is not only available in Gmail you but we can also use this site by using your mobile phone. Similar to FB's.

For Gmail users, there's nothing wrong if we also take advantage of Google's Buzz to interact with another friend. If friends are interested please click on the Google Buzz. with blogging and blogwalking the Alexa Traffic Rank is expected to rise.