Sunday, October 16, 2011

Upload files to web server

Once you register on one of the free servers, then the last step so that the web page you can see all the people are uploading or sending files to a web server.

There are two kinds of methods used to send or upload files to a web server, which is directly through a browser or via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). For that you need to know which way is supported by your web server. Just an example, use the browser to upload, use FTP while to can use the browser or FTP. Which will be discussed here is to send files using FTP.

Software that can be used is WAS FTP or CuteFTP. (Not to be confused with the word FTP with WAS FTP or CuteFTP. FTP is a protocol used to connect to the web server, while the WAS FTP or CuteFTP software is used to connect to the web server. In short WS_FTP and CuteFTP is the software that supports FTP protocol to connect with the web server).

For the steps that we provide below using CuteFTP software and web servers You can apply these steps in WS_FTP or other FTP software and web servers, since in principle is the same.

  1. From the FTP menu select Quick Connect.
  2. Fill in the fields host addresses, user IDs and passwords with a web server is provided to you. If the host address = eg, user id = winfolder, password = sda45sddf.
  3. Click on OK.
  4. Wait a while until CuteFTP to successfully connect with the web server.
  5. If a successful connection will display a dialog box containing the proofs. Click on OK only.
  6. Now you see on the right column. It is a folder located on your web server. Visible folder called public_html. Double-click the folder. Well, in that folder you should put your files.
  7. Left column is the location of files on your computer. For that move to the folder where you saved the file to be uploaded.
  8. Block was the file you want to upload, then right click and select upload.
  9. Already completed the upload process.
  10. In addition, you can create a folder / directory on the new web server. The trick right click on the right hand column, select Make Directory, click OK.
  11. For the other commands you can learn yourself

Trick how to know email sender ip address

Today I would like to share to share about a Trick how to know email sender ip address when you read the email may only visible date information, to, cc, bcc, subject and message. Yet every email sent must include complete information such as message id, mailer, ip addresses, and so on.

If you want to know the ip address and isp email sender which is used you can read the following tips.

Yahoo Mail:

  1. Login to Yahoo Mail.
  2. Choose one of the emails that you want to check.
  3. Click on the menu or Full Header link located in the lower right.
  4. Locate the "Received: from [...] by".
  5. In the example below the IP addresses is

MS Outlook Express:

  1. Open the Outlook Express program.
  2. Right click on one of the emails that you want to check.
  3. Click the Properties menu.
  4. Click the Details tab.

If you've got the ip address further information you can check the ISP that is used along with his city.