Thursday, February 16, 2012

Adobe Unveils Photoshop Touch Application for Android Platform

The development of devices that use a tablet gadget Android platforms on the market increasingly crowded with a variety of brands and also different screen sizes. Apparently, it is utilized as a promising opportunity for Adobe to bring the image processing software of the most favorite, Adobe Photoshop, the Android-based tablet devices. As to whether the ability of an application called Photoshop Touch?
Overall, the application of Photoshop Touch is enriched with a variety of excellent feature for image processing. Some useful tools are available, ideal for users who are still new to Photoshop as well as professionals who are accustomed to using this software. One thing to note, the maximum image file that can be processed by applications, measuring 1600 x 1600 pixels.In addition, the application also provides some guidelines that have been integrated in it which at times can be used in various processes. You can also share the results of the edited pictures to friends and family through social networking site Facebook. One feature that is interesting is that you can see the comments on the pictures you upload to Facebook via Photoshop Touch applications.To the source of the photos, in addition to using a camera mounted on a tablet device, you can get it through Photoshop Touch apps using Google Images and features of Adobe Creative Cloud, which is already integrated in the application. Adobe Creative Cloud feature allows you to upload a picture of the result of a tablet, then you make some changes that are not owned by the software application Photoshop CS5.

Adobe Photoshop Touch, offered at a price of USD 9.99. In addition, Adobe has also prepared a series of applications to be brought to the Android platform, including Adobe Proto, Debut, Ideas, and Kuller, that each of these applications will be offered at a price of USD 9.99 when it launches.Please refer to the following video tutorial on Photoshop Touch applications processing techniques on the tablet which was hosted by Russell Brown

Android malware 2012

Over time, Android is constantly increasing in terms of market share. Drastically increased the market share of Android did not escape the attention of cyber criminals. In 2011 the last, the real threats to the Android is starting to look. Many malicious applications that infiltrate the operating system made ​​by Google. What about 2012? In 2012 a new beginning, but the threat of malware on Android already started popping up!

One of the attacks against Android recently occurred in France. An attack of this Android.Qicsomos named deceive victims who want to find and remove the controversial application of Carrier IQ. Interestingly, Symantec security team was not able to find traces of these false applications in the Android Market. This application is spreading as spam or phishing campaign of an operator in Europe to ask the victim to download and run the application. When running the application, Carrier IQ is not obtained, but the smartphone will send an SMS to a premium number!

The threat is characterized by a certificate issued as part of the Android Open Source porject (AOSP). This allows the application to a particular device is installed on the screen without having to go through the normal licensing notice, which is the primary defense mechanism to face dangerous applications.

Previously, the Android Market there are some rogue application masquerading as popular games. The application under the name "Steven Creek Software". When you are finished installing the application in this evil, then there will be a key to be pressed to complete the installation. However, it turns out the button will take you to the internet browser and take you to a website Online Income Solution.

Removing unwanted photo objects in android phone

Nothing is more fun than having pictures as we want. Usually, when we take a photograph in the crowd, we regret many things, such as those that appear in the photo but in a state of blur, the existence of some objects that are not eye-catching, and others. To eliminate some of the objects that interfere with the course takes a long time using a photo editor on the PC. But now, you could even do it on your Android smartphone.

Developer applications, Scalado, developed a brilliant application called Remove. As the name implies, this application serves to get rid of objects that are considered disruptive (including people!). This allows people to be able to take pictures in a place without having to wait for the place was deserted.

step 1: take pictures anywhere you want.

These applications take several photos at once, analyze, and combine them in order to be edited by the user. Basically, this application works like a camera app in general. Users only need to press the shutter button and the application will automatically take multiple photos at once. Then, this application will provide the images to highlight some of the objects so that users can "move it" into or out of the picture.

Step 2: This application will directly detect the existence of objects in an image, highlight it, and lets the user move objects into or out of the picture.

Until now, these applications are still in the prototype stage. However, Endagdet stated that this application works with an intuitive, although there are still some problems with the response and minor bugs that appear in its interface. The plan, this application will be showcased at Mobile World Congress later this month.

Objects that do not want anything missing from the picture!

DOTA 2 will support LAN mode

Erik Johnson - head of the project DOTA 2 from Valve confirmed this. Johnson delivered the good news that has been eagerly awaited by gamers around the world, that DOTA 2 will support the mode for LAN Party! This news is certainly a relief to gamers who are more comfortable during or just have enough facilities to enjoy a competition in LAN. Valve also reported that they are currently focused on building a server that is more adequate for those who want to play DOTA 2 online. More distant targets? They would like DOTA 2, as Skyrim of Bethesda, was able to develop due to an active community, including making modifications.

Internet network is rapidly growing and developing it also has an effect on how the gaming industry. In addition to multiplayer mode phenomenon that is now often become the focus of a game, the Internet is also regarded as a safety net of the most qualified to tackle piracy. This is evident from the success of some games like Starcraft II and their systems. Unfortunately, this system comes with its own weaknesses. Gamers with a bad internet connection will not be able to play this game. Worse, they eliminate the LAN mode to compete. For those of you who had worried that the latest games from Valve - DotA 2 will carry the same system, you may smth heart.

No doubt, the opportunity to play LAN mode is of course also be good news for DotA community in Indonesia. What article? In addition to the experience of certainty DOTA 2 more leverage and is not blocked by the internet connection in Indonesia is not very stable, LAN mode also opens up vast opportunities for piracy. Without the need to connect to a particular official portal and through the verification process ala, DOTA 2 opportunities for counterfeiters to feel the game features in the maximum.