Friday, May 20, 2011

8 ways to make your computer load fast

Over time, the speed of computers with Microsoft Windows operating system began to decline. This will be felt in the fact that the system takes more time to respond to your actions such as opening files, folders, surf the Internet and other tasks. However, there are things you can do to speed up your computer. The following is a list of ways that you can take to improve the performance of your computer back. These steps are intended to be used in sequence, do not be inverted. The key is to do the simplest and easiest.

If you want to improve or speed up your computer, do not need to install maca-kind software for that purpose. But, above all, what would you do here is not harmful and outside the scope of the Windows forum, another option is to ask for help from people you know well. Remember: You have waktu.Anda can stop the process following which I will discuss this without causing damage. So if you are a beginner, do not be afraid. Steps to Speed ​​Up Computer:

1. Make sure your Hardware

What does it mean? This means that your computer was previously faster but due to the time it becomes slow. It is impossible to speed up the computer if the motherboard supports only Pentium 3 for example. So the first condition is the hardware must be allowed to gallop.

2. Clean Your Desktop

Have you filled your Windows Desktop decorated with a picture? Have you noticed that your computer is running slower and slower again? Did you see the hard drive light is blinking frequently while you wait for the computer to respond to the action? There are several steps you can take to fix it. Do not be too many files scattered on the desktop because although small will significantly affect computer performance. So save the file in place. What difference does it save a lot of files didesktop with didrive Data? Namely that the desktop is part of drive C: (usually to the system) while the data drive D: (mostly to save jobs)

3. Scan your Windows system to check errors

An operating system is a collection of files that perform different functions. It is possible, from time to time, that one or more system files have changed or become corrupted. If this happens, your system speed can be reduced. By using a utility called System File Checking ", he will check the files with correct problems could be found.

4. Scan Viruses, Spyware and Adware

Any Windows computers vulnerable to viruses especially the base Windows XP. Viruses are malicious little programs that cause problems both big and small for the user. Spyware and Adware are programs created by the company to find out more information about the customer. Usually these programs are not created for malicious purposes. Spyware and Adware are in the computer memory and will slow it down. Periodic scanning and removal of Viruses, Spyware and Adware is the best way to improve computer performance.

5. Uninstall unused programs

Over time, you may have compiled the programs on your computer that you do not use. When the program is installed, creating a relationship between programs and operating systems. Even if you do not use these programs, they can slow down your system. If you have the original program installation discs or files, delete the program will free up space on your computer and can speed up your system's performance.

6. Set Visual Effects to the position of Best Performance

Windows provides some interesting visual effects including animated windows and fading menus. If you do not have enough memory operations (see number 1 above), these effects can slow down your computer. Adjust or reduce the visual effects can make a difference. To speed up Vista on a particular computer you can disable the feature and functions that are not used. For more information, see "How to speed up Windows Vista."

7. Do not run a Programs automatically when the Start Up.

The program uses the operating memory (RAM, also called system resources.) Unless you always use a program, you can keep them from loading at Windows startup. However, if rarely used better disable it from auto start. The trick is to click [Start] and select [Run] to XP and then type msconfig.exe then [Enter]. For Vista just type msconfig and then [Enter]. Then click the [Start Up] and see which programs are very rarely used centangnya uncomment.

8. Defragment Your Hard Drive (Once you've tried everything else)

The more information and programs you have on your computer, the more likely that Windows has put the parts of the same file in a different location on your hard drive. It may do this for hundreds of files and programs, depending on how much space is available. Defragmenting your hard drive where all the information for each file in one place. The result is a faster computer. About defragment my hard drive has been discussed separately. The point is not speed up your computer work hard.

The development of internet in finding someone online

Many social networking is booming in today's Internet, it makes you so easy to find your old friend. If you are looking for old friends or missing friends, you will also look at the person's background. If you try to find someone online, Google is not the only service that you can use. In the last two years, several new search engines have emerged and many of those who offer a better way of finding someone online and also finding information about someone using name, location or workplace. Now you have a greater chance to find friends who were your former lover or even your potential lover.

There are a lot of public records, government and business databases available online, which make you so easy to find someone. The thing that makes the investigation of web-based search is so easy due to the development of Internet detective or people search engine. It is a service that provides fast and accurate search facility to find someone.

Please note that those particular search engines are different with regular search engines like Google or Yahoo. Regular search engines guide you to Web sites related to your search, while the Net Detective guide you directly to the person you are looking for.