To download vide0-interesting video on youtube, usually wearing services, but it is less practical. In addition I also need the tools download youtube videos at once to convert ( asked him many really) if I could online so no need to convert youtube videos on your PC again, here and there googling finally get youtube video download tool converter at once, New helper name.
Firefox addons download helper is a function to download and convert videos from various sites without any restrictions, how to install the download helper, see the steps below:
1. Go to the website with the Firefox browser.
2. Select Add to Firefox to install it.
3. Finished installing, you will be asked to restart firefox, follow these steps.
4. Now download helper in firefox already installed, to start downloading youtube videos with download helper, easy way, select the video that would be downloaded and then click the download icon helper.
5. To convert youtube videos with download helper, how to choose the menu Download & Convert. Hopefully these little tips helpful