Saturday, July 16, 2011

10 Reasons Blackberry Is still exist

RIM currently are in a situation that is less wearing. Many are predicting that the age of cell phones with this FUEL will not be much longer. Many have chided, many flattering.
Here are 10 reasons that Blackberry will still exist:

1. Security

If the RIM is more focused on the security, then the people will still remain looking for Blackberry. Although the current iPhone, Android and WP7 began his grind RIM market, but security on mobile Blackberry remains the main selling points that are not owned by its competitors. iPhone only had one phone model. Apple continues to increase security on the iPhone and corporate support for the iPhone but still have not achieved anything that belongs to the RIM at the moment.

Since Microsoft is focusing more on the consumer market in WP7, then corporate mobile phones based on these operating systems in the future will be more features that get caught consumer-sentrik so that the series is still in the corporate powers of the RIM. Android doesn't count in this section because as an operating system that is open, then open is also a great opportunity to threaten the security of a system.

2. Brand

The name of the Blackberry remains to be one of the reasons people to buy this phone. Especially for those who are lovers of the QWERTY keyboard.

3. physical buttons

True if the current smartphone touch screen design is menggandrungi. But the Blackbery was born as a mobile phone keypad with a QWERTY keyboard and physical remains will always be so without being affected by the design of full touchscreen. If there are people who are looking for a mobile phone with a QWERTY keyboard, the Blackberry is one of the best choices.

4. the QNX

This new Platform look promising when paired in the Playbook. The fact that RIM would wear these on mobile Blackberry platform will certainly increase consumer passion towards mobile phones returned to the Blackberry.

5. the emergence of Playbook

Many of the oang deride the RIM when they release a Playbook to compete with the iPad. Although it is ultimately the iPad just a month which sorely missed by the punguk, but the Playbook as a sign that the emergence of a new Blackberry OS is getting closer. This new OS also dikakakan will incorporate tablet smartphone OS with the OS so it will be increasingly integrated with each other. As Apple has done in the iOS and will be made by Google at the Ice Cream Sandwich as well as Microsoft Windows 8.

6. Vacancies in the middle market dominance under

Forget the upscale market is currently dominated by Apple and Android phones, Blackberry would be better if the target market and medium classes. Indeed this already crowded terlamapau market, but there is nothing to be so dominant here. Nokia has long been majority part of this little by little have been eroded and this can be an opportunity for RIM to come in and dominate the market with Blackberry. the iPhone is definitely not playing in this area, Windows Phone 7 is too costly for the middle class, Symbian is not very competitive, then the RIM still has a chance in the secondary market.

7. the Operator still needs a Blackberry

Software developer company is one of the main operator for any unrest OS provided will have easy and cheap way to communicate without using SMS or phone. This certainly can reduce the income of operators of such basic services. Google Android is said to be the largest operator of the world due to the anxiety of Google will be sucking data communications operators so as to reduce the use of SMS and phone. Basically the operator are enjoying some of the options and they are not particularly want Android to dominate the market and they will balance the Android to Blackberry. Dikatakakan Curve into a series favorite option because the operators were able to compete are affordable so valuable with Android phones.

8. the reliance on FUEL

This is the secret weapon of pemungkas belongs to the RIM. FUEL for a long time been the biggest reason people choose Blackberry phones. BBM is the chat service can only be used kesesama Blackberry users. With the level of security and ekripsi data, fuel proved to be powerful as chat platform that is secure and reliable. In fact it's what makes the RIM had to deal with some of the country because the State Government was not able to access the services of its FUEL. However, RIM has to start worrying about a new attack from Apple with the iMessage in iOS 5 which is a bit much to have in common with the FUEL platform.

9. There is still time for RIM to first settled

Nokia on this section is a good example of where the company is now led by Stephen Elop had waited too long to first settled at the high end so that they are lagging behind its competitors at present d. The current state of the RIM is still better than Nokia. They still have a little time to be put to good use for a quick first settled before everything became too late. Cozza from Gartner said if QNX can be a lifesaver RIM in the future, but they must be fast.

10. RIM has survived and continues to increase for decades

RIM was founded in 1984. For 27 years, was already living, surviving RIM, and continue to rise until it became popular as it is today. Although the State of the RIM in 2011 are not too good, but many people believe will able to survive. RIM Still according to Cozza from Gartner, if RIM is able to act quickly and take decisions with the right, the RIM is still going to keep being the fourth largest smartphone player 2015 later.

What You Should Consider Before Buying A Product online

Yesterday I got an email that it reads like this "how to know that the products it offers quality and isn't fraud?". "How do I know that after the transfer of money, I will certainly obtain the products?". Confusion like this you may experience when want to buy a product online, or when it intends to become a reseller of the product.
It is not easy to answer this question, but OK I'll try to compare with my experience as a computer Technician Guide ebook seller for approximately 7 months.
As a buyer, before buying a product, here's all you have to make sure:

Who is behind these products? Never buy products from people you do not know. Sellers of products must be in accordance with their fields. For example, because I have a blog about computers and the Internet, then it is reasonable if I sell ebooks Guide computer technician. What word other people about these products? Is there a testimony concerning such products are believed to be bias? For example I sell ebooks Guide computer technician, then I would attach a "TESTIMONIALS" on the website www.dpcworld.comApakah this product is of interest to many people? Whether the product has been many purchasers? As an example since I sell ebooks Guide computer technician in November 2010, the number of total users is the number of people with the current Registrar who has yet to conduct transactions is 142 people. Means closing the prospect is still quite a lot.If the price of its products in accordance with the quality of the product? Please compare the contents of the book to your needs, money is not your main problem.Is this product bergaransi? What kind of warranty? All you need is an unconditional guarantee. If a guarantee is conditional, that is the sign of a good deal less.Is the website accessible? If we can reach people directly? For example, I only had one no. 081355121794 and no. HP HP should you use to contact me anytime. That's how I apply in my ebook sales.What are the advantages of this product compared to other products? Do not buy the product before comparing it with similar products from other sources. Please compare both in terms of its content, price and warranty.

So this brief explanation, hopefully help you in choosing and buying products online.

Note: for email senders, answers on purpose I write here that fair-to-read all the articles and not as a promotional language.

Troubleshooting Damaged PC Sound Card

For most computer users, the sound is an important part of the use of computing. Whether watching movies or playing games, without the voice of mama game will be pretty boring. Computer hardware that pushes the sound in the PC called the sound card or Sound Card, which is one of the separate parts of the hardware, or a chip built into the motherboard. Like any computer repair tips, fixes the sound card starts with the basics first.

These measures are such that you should do in order to voice the computer appear.

Pairs With Either Computer Speakers

Sometimes the simple act of moving the monitor from one side of another table can lead to tangled cables and power supply possible speaker thereof were plucked. Make sure your speakers are plugged into the appropriate jack-color code on the back of the computer, and the power supply is connected to utility power. If the power light turns on? If not, check the cables again to ensure that it is plugged into the appropriate port.

Enable Sound System

After power is turned on, turn the speaker volume up to about 60 percent. If you have headphones plugged in, remove the first. In most cases, when the headphones are plugged in, sound through speaker will be disabled. If sound is enabled on your operating system? If the volume appear? Most operating systems have a small "speaker icon" or other audio type icon located on the main task bar. If the icon has a red "X" on it, the sound card is not heard. Double-click on the icon to open the sound control panel, and then create a volume adjustment is required.

If the onboard audio card is built, make sure it is enabled in the BIOS. If You have a built-in audio plus an additional sound card, disable the device that you do not use to avoid conflict. Most of the computer's manual for detail give way to configure the BIOS and save the settings for each specific model.

Reinstall or Update the Driver

Sound card drivers sometimes become corrupt or has the conflict after the update of the operating system, or if additional hardware is installed. If you have a new sound card, reinstall the driver that is included with the device. If audio support is onboard, download and install the latest driver from the manufacturer's website.

If conflicts occur after installing the system enhancements, try uninstalling the sound card drivers, reboot your computer several times, and then install the driver again. If your operating system has the system restore feature, try to restore the computer to a restore point when sound card is still working.

Open The Computer Chassis

PC components are sometimes reinstated inappropriately when computers are frequently moved. As the last resolution, open the casing of your computer and make sure the sound card is installed correctly on the motherboard. It's a bit scary to open up the computer for the first time, but if you follow the instructions in the manual on your computer, it's actually an easy process.

Insert the CD, or play one of your favorite MP3 to test your sound card. If there are still indications of voice for example when you use Winamp but not voice out to the speakers then obviously the hardware is damaged and you may need to buy new speakers or buy a new sound card.
Good luck and be sure to read also the article computer problem is no Sound

Here's How To Clean The Worm Tidserve W32

Worm Tidserve or W32.Tidserve mainly spread via removable drives. This Worm does not cause serious damage to your system, but you should delete it immediately. This Worm can disable your antivirus software, which makes your computer vulnerable to virus infection is dangerous. This Worm can also change the settings of your browser, and prevent You from accessing websites that relate to security.
Here's how to clean the Worm Tidserve or W32;

Remove Registry Entries

1 #. Click "Start." Type "regedit" in the search box and press "Enter." Allow the Registry Editor tool to launch.

Navigate to the following registry entries on the left pane one at a time:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTmsqpdxvx "msqpdxsrv" = "[RANDOM DWORD VALUE]"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTmsqpdxvx "msqpdxinfo" = "[RANDOM STRING VALUE]"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTmsqpdxvx "msqpdxaff" = "[RANDOM DWORD VALUE]"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTmsqpdxvx "msqpdxpff" = "[RANDOM DWORD VALUE]"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOThomeviewCLSID "default" = "{6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesmsqpdxserv config.sys

2 #. Right-click the entries at the end of the registry path and click "Delete." Exit the Registry Editor.

Unregister the Files

Click "Start."Type "cmd" in the search box and press "Enter." Wait for the Command Prompt to appear.Type "regsvr32/u etc. etc." at the Command Prompt and press "Enter." This will unregister the Tidserv files.Exit the Command Prompt.

Remove the Files

Click "Start."Type "Windows Explorer" in the search box and press "Enter." Allow the Windows Explorer to open.Type "etc. etc. [RANDOM CHARACTERS]; tmp" in the search box and press "Enter."Right-click the file and click "Delete."


Backup the registry first before doing any changes. Do not make any step other than those ordered in the Registry Editor. You can harm your system by making small changes to the registry You are violating the above rules.

How To Fix The I/o Device Error

The two most common causes of i/o (Input/Output) Device driver Error is based. Usually, because this device driver is not enabled or is already out of date. Driver components has an important function, because it acts as a power that allows the USB-plug-and-play hardware that is to be the driver in the computer. This is a communication link signal cues to the CPU for member performs a desired action.

To resolve i/o (Input/Output) Devices This Error, You can try using some basic tips here. In this article we are using Windows XP

  • Go to [Control Panel] from the [Start] menu, and then select [Performance and Maintenance]
  • click the [System] and then go to the tab [Hardware] and click [Device Manager].
  • Locate the device that the member signs the error with a red "X" symbol on the icon next to the description, [hardware disabled], continue to step 4 to enable it.
  • If no, proceed to step 5. go to the [General] tab and click [Enable Device] in the bottom of the Device Status, and then press [OK]. (Note: you may need to follow directions, as shown through the device wizard that allows
  • Then, click [Next] and follow the instructions until the process is complete).
  • Test your hardware back. If the error is still displayed, proceed to step 5.
  • go to the [General] tab and click [Discussion] under the Status of a Device, then press [OK]. Follow the instructions next to solve the problem.
  • Test your hardware back if the error is still displayed, proceed to step 6.
  • entry to the [Drivers] tab and click [Update Driver].
  • Follow the instructions until the process completes and then test your hardware.

May I fix i/o Device Error is helpful to you.

The world's fastest Supercomputer

Associated with the title of the Fastest Supercomputer in the world or the world's fastest computer, in this post I'll share the latest name and specification of record holder of the world's fastest supercomputers. This computer name Tianhe-1A and You make an educated guess is perfect if You think it's related to China.

Tianhe-1A is a new supercomputer in China are not the same as cheap Chinese products which you can find on the market. The fastest computer was designed by University of Defense Technology of China. This is the latest record after a supercomputer in the world record-breaking performance in 2,507 petaflops. This entry was lowered because of systematic supercomputers by 7.168 Tesla ™ M2050 14.336 NVIDIA ® GPU and CPU. This entry also does not include the Cray XT5 Jaguar Supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Labs from the first stage of the world's fastest computers.

jaringan komputer


Tianhe-1A is designed as a system of large scale computations and scientific open access system for the University. This supercomputer 155 tons of weight and is powered by electric energy 4.04 megawatts. The cost to design and build a supercomputer that is $ 88.000.000 and that makes the computer is listed as one of the priciest in the world of computers.

To match the performance of the fastest supercomputers in the world, we will need more than 50,000 CPU and some floor space to accommodate all the racks and hardware. This is a very heavy challenge and certainly the financing of this project will be very large.
