Friday, January 20, 2012

How to Know Bad Sector in Hard Disk

Your computer is slow? or even frequently hangs? true if it happens, there are many causes that can cause your computer to slow partly because infected by viruses, data stored in the hard disk capacity is too large for example in the form of films, photographs, but it also could be due to your hard disk already there are bad sectornya, so the data access process that occurs when the computer is in turn to crash on bad sectors so that the read or write data on hard disk media is slow because earlier plagued with bad sectors.

There are several ways to tell if your hard disk there are bad sector or not, can use the dos command CHKDSK as in our practice today or can also use a software utility such as Partision Magic, or any other.
As I have already above that this time we try to do a simple check on the hard disk to hard disk objec us know if it's really healthy or being sick (sick because of bad sectors )

Perform the following way to know the state of your hard disk.
From Windows, click Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt or you can also click the Start Menu - Run, then type CMD and Enter. The second command above to lead us to a window or windows COMMAND PROMPT.

From the Command Prompt type the command CHKDSK C: (the order may use the small or large letters the same) and then Enter, this command to find out or check the hard disk in drive C. Note the picture below.

The results of the command that has been given above, among others, as shown in the image below:

From the picture above convey the information in the form:

  •     Total Disk Space, stating the amount of the maximum capacity of the hard disk
  •     Hiden Files n (n declare certain value), stating the amount kapasaitas used by hidden files (hidden files are usually operating system files)
  •     n Folders, stating the number of folders that are in one drive
  •     n Files, declare n / number of files that are within one drive
  •     Bad Sector, stating the number of bytes that get bad sector in one drive (if 0 (zero) bytes of hard disk means you are healthy and the blade is greater than 0 (zero) then your existing hard disk Bad Sector her so beware because the presence of bad sectors possibility of data corruption can occur at any time)
  •     Available, stating the capacity of hard disk in one drive that can still be used to store data.

DOS command to format disk

How to format a floppy disk, hard disk, flash disk or the other, below are examples of a given command at the DOS prompt.

FORMAT volume [/ FS: file-system] [/ V: label] [/ Q] [/ A: size] [/ C] [/ X]
FORMAT volume [/ V: label] [/ Q] [/ F: size]
FORMAT volume [/ V: label] [/ Q] [/ T: tracks / N: sectors]
FORMAT volume [/ V: label] [/ Q] [/ a] [/ 4]
FORMAT volume [/ Q] [/ a] [/ 4] [/ 8]

volume: Specifies the drive letter (Followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name.

  •      / FS: filesystem Specifies the type of the file system (FAT, FAT32, or NTFS).
  •      / V: label Specifies the volume label.
  •      / Q: performs a quick format.
  •      / C: Files created on the new volume Will be compressed by default.
  •      / X Forces the volume to Dismount first if Necessary. All opened handles to the volume would no longer be valid.
  •      / A: size Overrides the default allocation unit size. Default settings are strongly recommended for general use. NTFS supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K. FAT supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, (128K, 256K for sector size> 512 bytes). FAT32 supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, (128K, 256K for sector size> 512 bytes). Note That the FAT and FAT32 files systems impose the following restrictions on the number of clusters on a volume: FAT: Number of clusters <= 65526​​, FAT32: 65526 ​​<>
  •      / F: size: Specifies the size of the floppy disk to format (160, 180, 320, 360, 640, 720, 1.2, 1.23, 1:44, 2.88, or 8.20).
  •      / T: tracks Specifies the number of tracks per disk side.
  •      / N: sectors Specifies the number of sectors per track
  •      / 1: Formats a single side of a floppy disk.
  •      / 4: Formats a 5.25-inch 360K floppy disk in a high-density drive.
  •      / 8: Formats eight sectors per track.

How to make android and iPhone ringtone

Since it first started that mobile phone is capable of supporting mp3 as ringtone, many people personalize their ringtone as their wish. Some use a song, sound of recordings baby, sound of car horns, telephones ringing, and much more as a ringtone. You can obtain a variety of ringtone file by downloading it directly from the virtual world, but it certainly is more fun when mobile17 make your own ringtones.

To be able to make a ringtone of interest you will need a sound recording or song and help of application called ring tone App. This software will facilitate in making an android and iPhone ringtone with a feature that has been instilled into them by the developer.

With basic skills as a ringtone maker, this application offers something different compared to its competitors that exist in cyberspace. This software has the advantage of some of the interesting enough to display to its users in the platform of android and iPhone.

This software has a simple design and easy to understand. To create a desired ringtone you simply follow the wizard provided. In his official website, you can choose the installation process as needed. The setup file is provided as the usual installation process or you can choose to download in the platform of Android or iPhone.