Thursday, November 4, 2010

Looking for someone in google

Usually where you look for someone on the internet? On Google or on social networking sites? Some social networking sites require that you login whenever you want to find someone. If you use Google, can millions of people with the same name appear in search results if we just type the name.

Then, how to be more specific? Here's how.

Go to Google and type with a format like this: intitle: "name search" site: sitename. For example, intitle: "Sudarma Sopian" site: Press enter.

The result is like this.

Try on other sites.

intitle: "Robert Jason" site:

intitle: "Robert Jason" site:

intitle: "Robert Jason" site:

intitle: "Robert Jason" site:

intitle: "Robert Jason" site:

intitle: "Robert Jason" site:

Source :

Accessing Yahoo! Mail from Outlook Express / Thunderbird with YPOPs

Unlike Gmail, and some other free email providers that enables us to access email via mail client, Yahoo! Mail service does not provide this feature. Access via POP on Yahoo! email service is offered commercially. As a way out, try using the tool YPOPs!. Download YPOPs!, Then install them onto your computer.

After that, do the addition of an account on your mail client program. For example, here's how to add Yahoo! Mail account in Outlook Express.

1. In Outlook Express, click Tools menu> Accounts.
2. Click the Add> Mail.
3. Type in your name, then click Next.
4. Type Yahoo! email address, and then click Next.
5. Make sure the option My incoming mail server is POP3. Enter in the box Incoming (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server and Outgoing mail (SMTP) mail server. Click Next.
6. Like when logged into Yahoo! Mail via the web, type the ID Yahoo! you on Account name:, and your password in the Password:. Click Next.
7. Click Finish. Internet Accounts dialog box will be displayed again with an additional account named
8. Click the new account, then click the Properties button.
9. Change the name of the account into YPOPs or other names that you will remember.
10. Click the Servers tab, and activate the checkbox My server requires authentication.
11. Click the Advanced tab, then drag the Server timeouts value to 5 minutes (maximum).
12. If you want the email messages in Yahoo! not be removed once downloaded, activate the checkbox Leave a copy of messages on server. If not, then your email server Yahoo! will be deleted after you have copied to Outlook Express (local computer). Click OK.
13. Click Close.
14. Now you have to manage email Yahoo! such as managing any other POP email. Click the Send / Recv to pull the email from Yahoo and the server sends you an email draft.

The settingYPOPs! at Thunderbird more or less the same, except on the charging POP / Incoming Server, type localhost, not The value of its fixed SMTP.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dofollow Blog

Currently, dofollow is a familiar word with us, especially for bloggers who like hunting backlinks by commenting. There are many who hesitate to make their blogs dofollow because of several factors, such as fear rank unrivaled by other bloggers, or fear its pagerank in circumcision by Om Google. I myself can not comment on this one because I did not Google employees. Some time ago, Blogger has made the entire Blogspot-based blog be no follow because of the technique to create links in comments become DoFollow be easy, maybe in between we've been practicing them. But in this post I will try to review some of the advantages and disadvantages of dofollow blogs.


1. Get double the traffic increase, especially if you WordPress users and uses KeywordLuv plugin, you will get traffic from search engines within a decent amount

2. Got comments doubled, to know yourself is why:)

3. Usually there will be many visitors to loyal (loyal readers) who always visit our blog

4. The number of feed subscribers increased drastically, because customers want to always follow your blog updates

5. Blogs are becoming increasingly popular blog, if you previously have been popular with the state of no follow.

6. Get stable traffic though rarely updated blog

7. Appreciating the commentators who actually bothered to comment, so that motivates them to give a better comment


1. Many comments that are spam with the sole purpose of getting backlinks only

2. No doubt you will be overwhelmed taking care of many comments (if you are moderating all comments)

3. The opportunity to sell links or advertising is reduced because the advertiser can utilize your blog dofollow.

4. If too many comments (about the above 100), then the search engines to index your blog will be overwhelmed because too many outgoing links.

5. If the backlinks, backlinks are still a theme with your blog, it does not matter, BUT if the blog is far from the theme of your blog (such as selling drugs or anything that is not related to the blog), then maybe the search engines will assume your blog just junk blogs.

6. If you use a self-hosted Wordpress, then maybe you will quickly run out of bandwidth because too many page impressions since the visitors want to leave the backlinks in almost every post.

7. Comments that are less good, in it there are various kinds of links. Even if a weighted commentary, but if too many links will be less good in the eyes of search engines.

So generally Advantages And Disadvantages Dofollow Blogs can be summed up as follows:

1. Benefits for providers obvious comment will get a backlink. This course is an additional point to improve pagerank.

2. Benefits for the blog owner is increasing visitors, increasing traffic, Alexa Rank ranking dropped dramatically .. like this blog, he was only a week with a number of posts are still under 10 .. already reached 2.4 million from 14 million when first made.

3. While people say the losses if any links that enter or exist in your blog / website link is considered legitimate by search engines, could be a blog / website is considered a link farm (livestock Link). So that its PageRank value will go down. True or not I do not know, because the evidence is a lot of PR dofollow blogs is high, many are PR 4 and 5 there is even a PR 6 tuh. Anyway also if true, stay ask yourself .. make a blog that aim to share or want to find a PR?

4. Usually because of the many comments received, the blog owner can not / rarely make a visit back to the blog commentator. but this is understandable because it has provided a backlink as a substitute,,

I have given some examples of advantages and disadvantages of dofollow blogs. Creating dofollow blogs can make a fairly rapid traffic increase, but there are many problems associated with spam. Finally, there remains a decision in your hands, so think carefully.

How to Get Google Sitelinks

If you enter a common word in Google, for example, the website microsoft will appear in the first place, and underneath there are about 4 lines that contain the links in the web. It's called Google Sitelinks. Just below it is the second, third, and so on. Cool huh? As if the web is really special. I thought only the big sites get Google Sitelinks. Eh it turns out this blog also gets a gift from Google Sitelinks. Happy ... How do I get it?

Unfortunately, there is no official document from Google that explains in detail for the web or blog we get Sitelinks. Official documents from Google that can be used as a reference is this.

From the results of browsing and reading documents before, there are several factors or a way to get a Google Sitelinks:

1. Must be number one for certain keywords on Google

As far as I see on the Google Search Result, just a site that gets Google Sitelinks, the site ranks first for certain keywords. To get high rankings on search engines can be used SEO techniques, which basically there are 2 techniques, namely:

* Create original article (not copy-paste) quality.
* Pursuing other pages link to that page.

2. In the homepage there is a minimum of 3 pieces link

Citing Google's statement:

Pls sitelinks We only display a site has a minimum of three sitelinks available.

So a web page which contains a flash animation charming and there is only one button to enter or log, can not get sitelinks from Google.

3. The link is clicked many visitors to our site

Citing Google's statement:

We only show sitelinks for results When We think they'll be useful to the user.

The word "useful to the user" I mean that readers who come to our homepage, lots of clicking the link.

4. the words you enter Relevant to visitors of Google

Citing Google's statement:

(If) We do not think That the sitelinks for your site are relevant for the user's query, We will not show Them.

This means the links in sitelink, must be suitable and relevant to the keywords entered visitors.

5. Age site or the number of visitors?

There are references that make it clear that the site should be a minimum age of 2 years to get google sitelinks, that's not true, because my blog is still a baby, just a few months but already get sitelinks. I estimate that Google is also considering the number of end or page view. For the record, unique pageview for this blog (now) is> 3000 per day. Point to-5 is associated with a point to-1. Most likely, the site became the number 1 on Google for keywords that are common will get visitors in abundance.