Friday, November 11, 2011

how to use Partition Magic 8.0

Many people think if we want to partition the Hard Disk (HD), can use the default Windows XP CD. I did not know it could or not. But rather than be bothered to enter the Windows XP CD-set and set all kinds, better use partition manager applications. Lots partition manager applications, such as Parted Magic (Live CD but it's, yes the same thing ...) or Partition Magic. Here I will explain how to use Partition Magic.

If we do not have that application, or it can be downloaded here.

For those who want to know how to use Partition Magic, the following guide to install it:
  1. Open the folder Partition Magic Pro 8.0 that you downloaded, please locate the file Setup.exe, and then run
  2. Wait until installation is complete preparation process
  3. After the preparatory process is finished, it will show PartitionMagic 8.0 Setup window. Click on Next.
  4. Fill in the User Name, Company Name and Serial Number you have (for user name and company name are free), then select Next
  5. Then select Yes to give approval to the License Agreement is displayed.
  6. Then select Next (3 times) until the installation process starts automatically
  7. After the installation is complete, it will be asked whether you want to create a Rescue Disk? For this example we ignore the offer by selecting No.
  8. Dispose 2 check the box that was / is checked on the window that appears, select Finish

Now that your computer has been installed PartitionMagic 8.0. For the next step, let's make the partition a hard drive with the help of the software.
How to create a disk partition with Partition Magic 8.0:

  1. Run PartitionMagic 8.0 software
  2. After PartitionMagic 8.0 window appears, click the name of your disk (Disk 1) on the right side of the window PartitionMagic 8.0
  3. On the pick a task ... (see top left window PartitionMagic 8.0) select Create new partition's
  4. Continue to select Next to continue
  5. Select the hard disk to be our paritisi, then Next
  6. Then please select the location of the partition, for this example please select After C: (Recommended), then select the HD who wants to be partitioned
  7. Now determine the magnitude of the desired partition size based on the information to the right of the box (Maximum Size & Minimum Size), then select Next
  8. Once we determine the magnitude of the partition, it will display the approximate partition hard drive as per the data you entered earlier. If you are sure to partition your disk size please select Finish
  9. Now please click the Apply button at the bottom left window PartitionMagic 8.0
  10. If a confirmation window appears, please select Yes or OK to begin the process of partitioning

After 10 steps above you do, Windows will restart to begin the process of partitioning your hard drive, please wait until that process is complete.
Caution: When entering the partitioning process, do not press any button after you restart your computer, to avoid the failure of the partition process.

How to protect your computer from the virus in Internet

The computer is still a mainstay device for accessing the internet. Secure computer is one of the capital for cruising the Internet activity takes place smoothly. This is because computers are secure better able to ward off an attack or malicious programs that try to get through the internet. If you often become victims of virus attacks, it could be your computer is not powerful enough to ward off incoming attacks.

Here are four important capital to protect your computer:

  • Make sure the firewall is always in a position "on". A firewall is a software that can counteract the illegal access to computers, whether they intend to remove the information, computer damage, or steal personal data. If you use more than one computer connected together, make sure the firewall on each computer is active. This is to prevent the virus spreading to all computers if one computer is infected.
  • Use software and operating system up-to-date. The latest update, let alone the nature of the high priority it is important to computer security. Update software usually contains the latest protection, as well as improvements to the bugs and security loopholes that exist in previous versions.
  • Always update antivirus software. Antivirus technologies are better able to ward off viruses and spyware that attack your computer, rather than the antivirus with the old technology.
  • Brainware factor (human) also plays an important role. Always be alert and careful, as not just open an attachment in an e-mail or link that is not known exactly what it says. Attachments or links it may contain viruses or other malicious programs. Do not download any, except from a trusted site, and read all security warnings, license agreements and related privacy of any software you download.

The benefit of Gold investment

Gold Investment is an item that has always in the interest of many people. In antiquity of Gold which is a means of exchange of human needs, which now was replaced by money. Gold is rust resistant, not easily broken down and is a class of noble metals such as silver and platinum yet so still, Gold is a special and privileged. Gold is almost never subject to inflation, so the one thing that is very suitable as a protective medium asset value.

In ancient, gold is a means of exchange goods that is why when the central bank stands and paper money first appeared in public a lot of doubt over the value of paper money. To overcome this, the government announced that the paper money in circulation is guaranteed by the reserve.

  • Gold Value Not Affected By Economic Crisis
  • Gold Value Not Affected By Inflation
  • Gold Value Not Affected By Government Decision
  • Being Outside Influence Banking System
  • Increasingly High Inflation, The Gold Price Increase
  • Very Easy Sale And cashed into Money
  • Accepted By All People around the World
  • Gold Prices Always Rise From Year To Year

With the passage of time so people no longer use gold as a medium of exchange but was accustomed to using paper money and gold is now in use as jewelry and other purposes. Even at this time Gold traded in foreign exchange along with other commodities such as petroleum, cotton, wheat, milk and others.

Now gold is not only jewelry, but gold has become a long term investment. Gold ira investment is very profitable but not for short to long term. Because the price of gold will continue to rise and the price of gold ira is not affected by fluctuations or inflation of world currency. Therefore you start to invest in gold for long-term benefits that we can bequeath to our children and grandchildren.