Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Minecraft : Java based indie game

Minecraft is an indie game genre a sandbox. This game is Java based, and created by Mark "Notch" Peterson. Now this game is taken care of along with his company, fathers. This game requires us to have creativity, because this game focuses on creativity and building.

When starting the game, Minecraft going to generate a vast world, there may be no end, and we do not have anything, and we alone, except in multiplayer mode.

Gameplay from Minecraft itself quite simple, we are required to survive against zombies and skeletons that only comes at night. For that we must create the house, weapons, armor, and all kinds of the needs of us. The unique thing of this game is that we exempt for creating to building our own making, and also how to make buildings, houses, and equipment for our Survival. To make a house or building, we have arranged one-on-one with a beam textured in 3D World.

Materials to be used should be sought or made their own, together with equipment-equipment. If you want to use a tool, we must first create one, do not expect items that have been so dropped by monsters, mob, or of digging. To make it we provided a crafting table, which should also be made in person, by crafting in our inventory, which only consists of Grid 2x2, different from crafting table that has a 3x3 box.

To make the equipment, we have to get those items first base ingredients. For example to make a torch, we need a stick of wood and coal, then we must look for it first. Later on we have to sort the table crafting wooden sticks and coal to form a torch. Crafting tutorials can be found on websites Wikia, which has a very complete reference how to make a tool.

Minecraft game itself does not have a graphic that makes any "Wow". Graphic still a "Box-Box" 16 bits, a typical time of the game Age of the past, Pixel boxes in plain sight, like the Retro games. But the difference Minecraft 3D instead of 2D shape of the World. Nevertheless, the gameplay of minecraft themselves who become the main attraction. We are free to do anything, and anything we want. Do not see the Graphic side only. Players can spend hours just for her creations.
Minecraft may look simple, lightweight, and requires only modest hardware, it did not. Below 2 GHz processor and 1 GB of RAM under that is considered less. And make sure Java is installed on your computer to play Minecraft.

Minecraft Game itself is paid. But not as expensive as high end games today. It costs around 14 Euros.
Minecraft website provides Classic Mode to be played for free. Classic mode is the difference with other versions of the paid, we can only build it and we supplied Materials are Unlimited. But no system Zombie, Health, etc.. Only basic functions are provided. And there are no interactions anything in the game. If we fall into the lava, then it does not happen, then hit the TNT TNT will not explode, and would be destroyed like the other boxes. The game is more monotonous.

Minecraft is one game that should not be missed. And arguably this is a really Sandbox Sandbox. Actually in the sandbox, we are freed to do anything, and create anything. Do not forget to try taking the time to try or see this game.

Official Website Minecraft: http://www.minecraft.net/

How to Remove conficker / downup in your computer

It has been more than three years since the early emergence Conficker, a virus that exploits the DCOM port security network for the purpose of spreading itself via the network media and the Internet. Conficker or collectively, the virus is classified as a virus Downadup the most popular and most victims. In a short time had spread and infect every network connected PC. The virus is very troublesome, because when already infected PC then the network will be slow and eventually end up.

Symptoms of Conficker / Downadup:

  1. There is an error message "Generic Host Process (GHP) Error"
  2. Conficker do pacthing against the RPC DCOM windows security gaps, and open a random port between 1024-10000 to spread itself over a network
  3. Network running slow
  4. Disconnected from the network, sharing folders disconnected
  5. Services dead tissue (network conection, servers, workstations)
  6. Services Sound off (windows audio), or the sound driver Cres
  7. Conficker duplicate files into a Removable Disk Drive: \ recycled \ jwgkvsq.vmx
  8. Can not access Website Security / Antivirus (www.symantec.com, www.avg.com, Kapersky, etc.)
  9. Turning off system restore
  10. On the menu of Windows Firewall - Exceptions, there is a setting conficker with name% Random%

If the symptoms above occur on our computer, has been ascertained by computer is infected with Virus Conficker.
Here's Step by Step Method Solution how to remove Conficker:

  • If your computer is connected to a network, first disconnect by unplugging the network cable or disable the LAN.
  • Use the removal tools from Symantec.com conficker, can be downloaded here!
  • Perform scanning the computer using safe mode Removal Tools on Windows
  • After scanning is complete, restart Windows
  • Do your windows security patches MS08-067 patch can be downloaded on the Microsoft.com site. Its function is to patch security loopholes that successfully hacked by Conficker
  • Antivirus installations that have been known and worked with both Conficker Antivirus and update the database regularly so that the virus does not re-invade our computers
  • Do a scan on the Removable Disk is suspicious, as there is a hidden Recycle folder, if so then certainly the Removable Disk is already infected by Conficker

May we all be free from computer virus.