Monday, September 13, 2010

KaraoBird SLP, Easy way for Karaoke on YouTube

Widely available on YouTube video clips of music tracks from various artists. In fact, the Google owned video sharing site that has made a special page on music / music.

But, not all the clips showing the lyrics of the song is displayed. Yet sometimes when watching music clips, there is a desire to participate singing.

Now, the desire for a karaoke that can be realized easily via an extension for Firefox.

Extension was called Scrolling Lyrics Player (SLP). But may also be referred to as KaraoBird accordance with the engine used on the back.

SLP installation steps KaraoBird:

1. Visit SLP Add-On at
2. Click Add To Firefox
3. In the window that appears select Install
4. Restart Firefox will ask to enable SLP

How to use the SLP:

1. Visit / Music
2. Find a music video that wants to sing
3. Automatically on the video page will appear a box containing the lyrics
4. Adjust the offset (plus or minus) at the beginning of the song by scrolling the mouse over the box lyrics
5. Sing as we pleased.


1. Song Lyrics taken from the site
2. Synchronize songs with lyrics not going as smoothly as a professional karaoke video
3. Adjusted synchronization with the video being played, if video is not finished buffering lyrics will go stagnant
4. For popular songs SLP KaraoBird not much trouble, is somewhat different to the tune of 'rare'
5. SLP is based on KaraoBird, an add-on for Songbird (Open Source software to play music).

maximizing Social Networking to find the beloved girl

Social media era has arrived. Everyone connected with each other via their respective handsets. As a result of Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare could be creatively used to apply for the girl's idol.

Romantic things done by Matt Van Horn, one of the developers on social sites Digg. He gave a surprise heart idol girl he wanted to marry, to maximize the number of social networking sites such as Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook and assisted Qik for live streaming video.

For information, Qik is a video streaming service that can be directly recorded through the phone. As a result, people who turn on Qik can directly show what he recorded via mobile phone in real-time, witnessed by many people.

Armed with Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and Qik, Van Horn was applying for her hero on the hill. The idea is simple, Matt led the girl to the top of the hill, while he hid behind a rock.

Not far from the site, Matt's friends are a valuable record of events in a candid, and broadcast live via Qik. It is intended to allow families of both parties witnessed Matt's romantic action.

Now, before Matt using Twitter and Foursquare as a 'material proposal'.

Tips valuable experience that he told through his personal blog.


The idea is simple. The first time Matt was hiding behind a rock, and recorded with the iPhone live streaming via Qik. The event that lasted 30 minutes that he was sent to all relatives and friends without the knowledge of the girl. So they can see it directly.

Well, shortly before Matt had told the girl hero who do not know his plans to the location. When the girl arrived at the hill, Matt, who was then in hiding immediately send 'marriage proposal' that he would propose on the spot via a direct Foursquare synchronized with Facebook and Twitter.

Status Matt is what makes the girl happy shock. "While applying for my dream girl. @ Lolofishyfoo directly witnessed a live stream: (@ Bernal Heights Park)," he wrote on the link Foursquare, which is directly on the Re-Tweet by his friends.

Every girl would love to surprise. Especially when he knows that all the people witnessed the happy event without realizing. Herein lies the romantic emotions for the girls. Only armed with a single click on the status of Foursquare, big plans are successful.

Want to try? Or already have other creative ideas with Facebook, Twitter, or Foursquare to do the same?

2011, iPad would beat Laptop Market

Analysts predict iPad sales next year could reach 28 million units. It was strengthened with the holiday season, which would boost the popularity of Apple's tablet.

In the first three months since its launch last April, recorded directly iPad skyrocketed with sales reaching three figures, 27 million units.

Analysts from Maynard Um of UBS Investment Research says that consumers are now able to increase sales to 28 million units in 2011 iPad. IPad sales would indirectly affect the sales of laptops. Especially for products 'lower classes'.

"We believe a major impact occurs at the level of sales of low-end PCs, as iPad prices very close to those markets (low-end PC-ed)," the analysts said in a statement.

Sales of the Apple iPad believed sales would exceed the combination of other manufacturers. The competitors will realize that it is not easy to play your opponent iPad.

Different opinions have been expressed previously by JT Wang, chairman of Acer Group. JT Wang believes Google's Android-based tablet will quickly melibas iPad tablet with a market share in the global sphere between 20 percent to 30 percent.

While data from UBS Investment Research reveals that Apple's market share will grow by 25, 77 per cent this year.