Thursday, December 23, 2010

Restrict Access to USB Flash Drive

There are 2 things that cause a USB flash disk storage media (and / or external hard disk) can not be accessed, the first due to accidentally access the disabled and the second, protected access. For the second reason will usually appear the message "The disk is write-protected". By editing the Windows registry, you can manage both.

Enable-Write Protected Disk

In these conditions, USB still readable, but can not be written or to store data. If you want to save the data will show a message like this:
disk write-protected

To open access to the flash disk to copy data:
1. Open the registry editor windows: start menu -> Run -> type: regedit -> OK
2. Find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies
3. If at any WriteProtect the right panel, double click and fill in the section data value 0 or delete WriteProtect or can also delete the key StorageDevices. Then refresh (click F5).
4. Try out the USB Flash Disk, then plug it in again and repeat the copy data.

Restrict Access to USB Flash Drive

As for the computer to restrict user can not write, copy or move data in flash disk, perform the following steps:

1. Open the registry editor windows: start menu -> Run -> type: regedit -> OK
2. Find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control
3. Create a new key by right click and choose New-> Key. Give the name StorageDevicePolicies.
4. Then open the key StorageDevicePolicies. Right-click select New -> DWORD Value named WriteProtect.
5. Double click WriteProtect, in the value of data and fill with a value of 1.
6. Such changes above should be done also in:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet002 \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies

Well after all is set as the above steps, all users (users) who use computers will not be able to write, to copy or move data in flash disk without having to restart the computer first. So that would appear Write-Protected Disk message as above

If the effect of the changes are not directly visible, restart the computer first.

Tips for Flash Disk Long-lasting & Durable

USB Drive
The picture on the left is an internal component of a common flash drive

1. Connection USB Flash Drive
2. USB mass storage controller device
3. Point - the point Experiments
4. Flash Memory Chip
5. Crystal Oscillator
6. LED
7. Write-protect switch
8. Empty space for the second flash memory chip
We have a lot of external data storage media which has a variety of shapes and sizes of data such as memory chips, an external hard drive and flash of course. But for practical reasons, it seems that the flash is still the choice for most people although it's more popping up an external hard drive range of brand and clearly has the data storage space much larger than the flash. This is due to its small so easy to carry and storage, as can be inserted in a pocket for example.

Of course, besides having the advantages as mentioned earlier, the flash disk it could be vulnerable to damage if the user is less understanding of the nature of the flash and customs in use plus other things that can affect the age of the flash.

That's what this article is presented to help you how to take care and keep Flashdiskawet in terms of equipment can work well and durable:

1. Avoid contact with water.

Keep the flash is not to get exposed to water, rain or even submerged in water. Things like the above can result in damage to components inside that may result can not terbacanya data means data loss forever. Indeed there are several brands that dare to claim that anti-product water (waterproof), but the safest step is to keep the flash from the affected water.

2. Keep it away from the influence of strong magnetic fields

Try to put the flash on when not in use in a safe place from the influence of strong magnetic fields, such as TV, mobile and large-sized speakers. Many of us on the grounds within easy reach and easy to remember often put small items like keys, including flash on TV. Well, this is wrong. Flash should not be placed there, because the TV has the effect of very strong magnetic field. So also put the flash into one with HP do not do, like save the flash and HP in the same pocket.

3. Get used to pull the flash when it's safe
USB Drive_0

Get used to always pull the flash from the plug (USB Port) after completion used to eject the correct process. Do it always with doing a stop on the "Safely Remove Hardware" from the computer and unplug after notice "Safe To Remove Hardware" appears on the screen. This is done so as not to affect the data files stored on it. Flash is not ready to be revoked is usually because there is still a running process (data transfer) or else the process of the virus at work.

4. Always make sure the virus scan with an updated antivirus.

Transfer data from computer to the flash is very vulnerable to the migration of the virus if the home computer has been infected by the virus. Moreover, when you save data from the cafe after a download or just copy the data. It is no secret that the cafe has been a "nest" or "media" (more accurately perhaps?) for the virus to move and launch his evil actions utilizing flash and make the distribution to a personal computer. To make sure the flash is fully scanned once used to move data with antivirus that is always updated.

5. Keep away from heat

Flash also has no heat resistant properties as well as other electronic goods. Do not put flash in the hot areas, such as above the dashboard of a car that was left under the hot sun because the heat generated or the car itself. Also keep it away for the flash does not hit something hard or frequent falls.

6. Always put the cap back

When finished use put the cap back on properly. This was done to avoid the entry of undesirable impurities such as dust or foreign objects that could result in failing the familiar flash when inserted in USB Port. It also can lead to failure of the read / write data in flash.

7. Minimize erase-write process

Usually the flash has the power to survive (read: age) up to 100,000 times the process of writing clear. Various kinds of brand flash on the market have different qualities and prices that also affect the useful life of the flash is concerned. However, it is not absolute. It would be nice if we get used to minimize the process erase-write flash for flash is more durable age. Get used to work carefully and correctly so we do not repeat to save on the flash that means repeating the process of writing on the flash. Minimize edit data directly on the flash. Should do well on computer editing, after all correct and no correction then move into the flash.
Also not recommended to run the program directly stored in the flash, although the mini-games or portable applications, because it will reduce the age of the flash itself. Move the first program into a computer.

Speed Up Windows Startup

How long did you wait when you first turn on the computer to go into the desktop display on the screen? Is there any need to wait until about two minutes or even more? Although we can hardly wait, but if this should happen every time we turn on the computer, let alone the need for immediate use. I think we not going too impatient.

The length of time, usually because of too many applications that participate in the startup process. This can happen because of our habit to install an application without reading the instructions and pay attention during the install process. Why? Because of the potential on display at step setup wizard install you unknowingly clicking on the "Yes" when asked whether to include a program on startup position.

In this article will explain about the startup configuration in Windows to boot time, only certain programs that come loaded on the startup process. To find out which applications are involved in start-ups can be seen through the startup folder and then to delete it. But to be certain to also through the system configuration. Here are the steps:

- Click the Start menu -> Run
- Type msconfig and click OK
- Box will appear the System Configuration Utility. On the General tab choose Selective Startup.


  • Then click the Startup tab. There are several options a few applications that are allowed to participate in the startup. Eliminate your check box to disable from startup.

  • Then click the Service tab. You must be careful and understand well in doing your settings in this tab. Because here many XP systems are shown. Do not get off the wrong item.
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  • For more safe click on the Hide All Microsoft Services box. Afterthat will be shown several items of applications in XP system. Uphere you can remove you at the check box.
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Click OK. To be able to see the results click Restart.


- Tips are only for Windows XP Professional.
- Images displayed in the example is the System ConfigurationUtility from the Windows XP ProfessionalService Pack 3.