Monday, November 29, 2010

Preventing copy Data from Computer to USB Drives

In Windows Vista you can control the connection of USB drives, which users can only move data from USB drive without being able to otherwise, move or copy data from computer to USB drives. So you do not need to worry about the data stored in the computer will be taken by the hands of ignorant. Suppose you have an important data in the computer, then use other users' computers. And besides you, other users will not be able to copy data from computer to USB drives his own. To do this, follow these steps below:

1. Open Notepad (Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad)

2. Type the following script:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced]
EncryptionContextMenu = dword: 00000001

3. Save (Save) with the name Vista_USBNoWrite.reg
4. Double click on the new registry file you created earlier.
5. When the UAC prompt appears, click Continue.
6. When confirmation ditamoilkan box, click Yes.
7. So the new registry file will be merged With the ever been the main registry system. A confirmation will usually be displayed, click OK.
8. Restart the computer to get the effect of the change earlier.

Well, now users will not be able to do the copying of data from computer to USB disk.Untuk restore its original function this way. Re-open the Notepad program.
Type as below:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced]
EncryptionContextMenu = dword: 00000000

Save with the name Vista_USBWrite.reg
Try now double click the file icon, then the system will return to normal.

Do not forget to save the second file.

how to reset or format Blackberry

here I will give you the trick how to reset or format Blackberry

Do not forget to BACKUP your data first, because the data in phone memory will be lost.
The one on the memory card will not be lost.

Steps to Format BlackBerry :
1. Go to the OPTIONS menu
2. select Security Options
3. select General Settings
4. Then came the General Settings menu
5. Then press the menu button on the trackball blackberry reply
6. select Wipe Handheld
7. check the option "Include third party applications" if you want to clean
8. then press Continue, enter the password "blackberry"

Then everything will come back like new again, like we buy the first time.

How to Reset / Reboot blackberry :

Press the alt key (left) + del (right) + aA (right) three of the same until the blackberries off and will restart itself.
Well so many tips from me, I hope the trick how to reset or format BlackBerry will be useful for you.