Saturday, March 24, 2012

Five ways to accelerate the performance of BlackBerry

On this occasion I will feature five ways to improve the performance of the Blackberry, from the performance of application access, Internet access to the performance of which may always be done at any time by users.

BlackBerry will further slow down performance if not push memory storage capacity. There are many things that can make the internal storage memory or even a BlackBerry thinned out unnoticed by the user.

Five ways to accelerate the performance of BlackBerry

1. Use Memory Cleaner

To clean up memory on your BlackBerry, can by going to Options -> Security Options -> Advanced Security Options -> Memory Cleaning -> change the status to Enabled Disabled -> Clean Now

2. Clear the browser cache to improve performance

Cache is not cleared in the browser will further slow down the performance of the browser itself. How to clean cache on BlackBerry is quite easy, first go to Browser -> Menu -> Options -> Clear browsing data -> Select all -> Clear now

3. Close the application process is not used.

To see what processes are running on the BlackBerry, is easy enough. Simply press' alt + ESC "simultaneously. Having seen the application list, choose applications which will be closed.

4. Routinely in clearing the Event Log

In the 'Home screen' press and hold down the 'ALT' and press the letter 'L', 'G', 'L', 'G' -> Press the 'Menu' -> Select 'Clear log'

5. Always make sure the state of internal memory is sufficient, balanced, and not too much is used. That is why the presence of external memory is very important in storing the data so as not to give a heavy load of internal memory.

That's five easy ways to accelerate the performance of the BlackBerry. May be useful.

How to make Blackberry Battery power more durable

You want to make batteries BlackBerry (BB) you are more durable? We have 10 simple tips that you can use to ensure you get the most out of battery power you need.
BlackBerry smartphones are known as one of the gadget that has a pretty impressive battery life compared to other smartphones. But if you're a heavy user who usually frequent fuel BB's, chatting, browsing and social networking status update then certainly your battery will run out before you finish the day's activities.
There are many settings you can customize to make your battery a little more durable than normal so you can maximize your BB usage throughout the day.
Here are ten tips and tricks to save and maximize the use of your BlackBerry battery. These tips work to improve battery life on devices with OS 6 and OS lower as well, although the menu may be different.

1. Use WiFi when available, and turn off WiFi when not in use

WiFi seems to be the greatest influence in the stamina battery on the newer devices like the Bold 9900/9930. The test results showed that use WiFi for browsing have the battery life is more durable than relying on a network operator. This is caused by the radio does not have to work hard. However, if you do not need to use WiFi or if you are in a place where there are no WiFi connection, make sure you turn it off so it does not undermine the function of your battery. This is to avoid your BB device continues to search the network and battery drain.
I turn on or off WiFi:
Click on the Settings Network (Network Settings) at the top of the home screen (homescreen) you, check the box to turn on and turn off the check mark to disable this function.

2. Reduce the brightness of the lamp

Standard backlight brightness when you buy a new BB is 70%. Brightness was enough to see the screen clearly and make everything seem brighter. However, the natural tendency of BB user is to see things as brightly as possible even raise the brightness to 100%. It can more quickly deplete battery life and undermined. Lowering the brightness will help your battery stamina.

Try lowering your screen brightness to 10%. This may seem a bit dark at first for some people, but believe me, once you adjust the brightness, you'll know the difference in your battery life.

To change the backlight brightness you:

Go to Options> Display> Home screen or in English, Options> Display> Screen Display. Select Backlight Brightness and change it to 10 or in English, select the Backlight Brightness and change it to 10.

 3. Change the Backlight Timeout (backlight timeout) you

Backlight Timeout is the length of time your screen where the backlight stays on even when you have finished using your BB. In most cases some people have a limit of time (1-2 minutes) after using their BB devices. Set the time to 10-20 seconds in order to better conserve your battery.

To adjust the Backlight Timeout: Go to Options> Display> Home screen or in English, Options> Display> Screen Display. Change the backlight timeout to 20 seconds or in English, select the Backlight Timeout and change it to 20 Sec.

 4. Turn off Bluetooth when not in use

Bluetooth is a great feature of the BlackBerry smartphone. This technology lets you connect to devices such as headsets, computers, speakers and more. But when not in use, Bluetooth can slowly take your battery as a whole. If you are not using Bluetooth, do not forget to turn it off.

To turn off the Bluetooth function, similar to WiFi:

Click on the network settings on the screen the top of your homescreen. Bluetooth uncheck (to turn on Bluetooth, check the Bluetooth)

5. Change the network settings to 2G
Doing this can be a great aid in battery life. Set the radio network to the 2G make no attempt to find the best signal so that your BB will be more durable use of battery power.

Change your network settings to 2G: Click on the network settings on the screen of your home (as well as steps to WiFi and Bluetooth). Select Network and Connections> Mobile Network, or in English, the Network and Connection> Mobile Network. Select the 2G.
You can use 3G if you want to use for the phone or browsing faster, but if not used do not forget to set it to 2G.

6. Use the feature Auto On / Off or Bedside Mode

This is a simple feature that is not too well known to the BlackBerry Smartphone. Auto on / off is the ability to automatically turn on and off the device at any given time. This feature is useful if you know the schedule when you're not using your BB, such as the time when you sleep or exercise.
To use the Auto On / Off:
Select Options> Tools> Auto On / Off, or in English, Options> Device> Auto On / Off. Centangkan "switch" to Business Day, Weekend or both, or in English, check enabled. Choose a time of turning on and off the device (eg, 10:00 to 07:00)

7. Always lock your device or use a BlackBerry Holster Case

BB lock you can help conserve battery life because, when you save it in your pocket while walking, sometimes you will be depressed BB buttons that light up the screen without your mind. To prevent this you can use the lock button on your device. Use of any of the BlackBerry holster that contains a magnet also direkomendaskan. This glove is automatically given a command to the device to sleep when you put your BB into the holster.

8. Turn off unused Apps

Close unused applications to help battery life. Applications are constantly pulling your GPS location is really throwing your battery life. To close this application, you can use the built-in App Switcher to see what application is running on your device. You then can choose to turn off unused applications.

To close unused applications: Press and hold the Menu button to open the application switcher
Highlight and select the application you want to cover. When in the application, press the Menu button and then exit (shutdown, logout) app.

9. Change Settings App Refresh

Applications such as Twitter, Facebook and others are applications that continue to refresh the news at five times per minute. You can change the refresh time to a longer time, eg: Twitter can be set to refresh from five minutes to an hour. App has refreshed every five minutes is not the best idea if you want to save battery power, change to 1 hour or even turn it off. The same thing happened to Facebook, SocialFeed and other applications that always refreshes for a certain period.

10. Charge your device or buy a spare battery

Last but not least, prepare charger when you need to travel far. This is the easiest way to use BB all day. You can deduct your BB in the car, office, or in a cafe when you are conducting the meeting. However, when you're more likely to go during the day and hard to find a place to charge your BB will be, it would not hurt if you buy a spare battery.
Hopefully these tips useful for you BlackBerry users.

How To free up memory space on your BlackBerry Smartphone

Having a smartphone is critical to periodically check the memory. There is insufficient memory like when we hold a smartphone, hundreds of songs, videos, themes and games to download it always wants to maximize the enjoyment of your smartphone. But, taukah you? when our smartphone memory is too full, call logs and messages will be deleted first. Of course we do not want, the important message is lost on the last night the next day.

So to prevent this from happening, we will discuss the best and most common way to free up memory on your device. Some things are "technical", but we are confident of Gadgetan most users can do it.
First, you must have a memory card (MMC) for your device. MMC is one of the most important accessories is priceless. This gives you more room to store all that you want to download without consuming memory on your device.

Second, free memory in a way that does not remove the application you use on your device. To do this, from the BlackBerry home screen, press the Menu button, then go to Options> Advanced Options> Applications. Select the unused applications and press the Menu key, select Delete. After that, Reboot your device.

The next things we can do to free up memory by way of a fairly simple example:
Enable Content Compression: Go to Options> Security and enabled Content Compression, this will free up some space.

Removing Applications "Help": your BlackBerry you do not really need this application. Go to Options -> Applications, select Help and delete.

Remove Video Samples: Go to Options> Advanced Options> Applications. Highlight BlackBerryVideo samples, press Menu and Delete.
Clear language is not in use: you will have the option of their untukmenghapus Application Loader screen.
Delete Image: Delete unwanted images or move them to your memory card.
Clean Up Cookies and Cache Browser: Launch the mobile browser. Press the Menu key and select Options> Cache Operations. Clear History & Clear Cookies.
Giving the Device Memory Limit: Start Media Applications. Press the Menu key. Change the Device Memory Limit to 12MB.

Change Save Time for Messages: Click the Messages icon, press the Menu key and select Options> General Options> Scroll to Keep Messages and set up the shortest time.

Change Call Log Options: Click the phone icon. Press the Menu key. Select Options> Call Logging, change to no calls (none)

Limit your Themes: Everyone wants to have fun and good themes, but only limits have 1 or 2 themes on your device will save a lot of space.

In addition to the above simple way, there is a more technical nature. Attach the data cable and make sure you have the "BlackBerry Desktop" on your PC or laptop. Perform data backups, when the backup is complete, close the Desktop Manager and unplug your BB. Delete vendor.xml file from your PC are usually located in c: program FilesCommon filesresearch in motionapploader. This file is really not necessary because only notify specific operators, device and your OS.
There are certain items that can be removed to save space such as Voice Activated Dialing (VAD), Push to Talk (PTT) on some AT & T Devices, themes etc.. Decide what you do not use and we can remove it from the device. Once done, connect your device to the PC again and run the Application Loader to complete the change.
Well, hopefully these tips useful for you BlackBerry users.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

How to share internet between 2 PC

It is my experience after trying various ways share internet between 2 PC, the way I think the most easy and quick to share internet between two PCs below. However, there are the conditions that:

    1. A computer has two LAN card (let's call it LAN 1 and LAN 2)

    2. A computer on the LAN 1 has been connected to the Internet via a modem and was able to be used for surfing the internet (ngenet)

    3. Computer B only need one LAN only (hereafter we call LAN 3)

    4. Computers A and B have been connected to the LAN cable types CROSS

As for how the connections are:
A computer on

1. Log start | Control Panel | Network Connections

2. Right-click the LAN 1 (which is connected to the internet modem) select the status tab support, note the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway, for example:

IP Address:

Subnet mask:

Default Gateway:

*) Remember and take note! This is very important!

3. If it has been noted Close, now right click select properties 2 LAN

4. On the General tab select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and then select Properties

5. Set the IP addresses manually, enter the IP address use the Following the

IP Address:

Subnet mask:

Default Gateway:

To control the content of the



6. Once filled out correctly, click OK.

7. Go back to Go to start | Control Panel | Network Connections blocks 1 and LAN 2 LAN then right-click

8. Select the connection brigde

9. Wait until the connection is completed brigde

 On Computer B

1. Log start | Control Panel | Network Connections

2. Right-click the LAN 3 (a computer connected to LAN 2 A) select properties

3. On the General tab select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and then select Properties

4. Set the IP addresses manually, enter the IP address use the Following the

IP Address:

Subnet mask:

Default Gateway:

To control the content of the



6. Once filled out correctly, click OK.

7. Restart the computer

8. Congratulations you have two computers connected to the Internet both!

*) Warning: Notice the difference was no IP Address LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3 and Gateway (Have we all give a red color, different is not it? But it's not a rule of thumb, you can customize it)

How to Speed ​​up Internet connection without software

In this information age, information media such as internet speed is very important. Moreover, if this is related to the speed of your internet access as a student, student and as an online business or other internet surfers. Speed ​​is a must! mandatory! and ... should not be negotiable!This computer tips to speed up your internet connection without the software and easy!2 creative tips that you will learn are:
 Tip 1: Tweak Registry
 Tip 2: Tweak Internet Browser (Mozilla Firefox)

Registry tweaksTweak the registry is done in your windows registry, how:1. Select the start menu then run2. Type regedit in the run dialog windowTips Speed ​​up Internet Connection3. Look for this registry address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Current ControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ ServiceProvider then work out how to 4-74. Select DnsPriority change the value to 15. Select HostsPriority change the value to 16. Select LocalPriority change the value to 17. Select NetbtPriority change the value to 18. Close the Registry Editor9. Restart Your Computer


Tweak firefox used to speed up Mozilla Firefox browser when you open the desired URL, but in doing so you must be very careful and cautious. Here's how:A. In Mozilla firefox type "about: config" (without quotation marks)2. Exit your browser warnings about the warranty, therefore you must be careful in tweaking firefox. Click I'll be careful, I promise!Tips Speed ​​up Internet connection3. Change the value of a setting or if it was not there make your own by right click select New. Integer To select data in the form of numbers, select the Boolean to true / false.For ADSL users:

Set "network.http.max-connections: 64"
Set "network.http.max-connections-per-server: 21"
Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 8"
Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 100"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
Set "nglayout.initialpaint.delay: 0"For DSL users:

Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 64"
Set "nglayout.initialpaint.delay: 0"For users of DIAL UP

Set "browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl: true"
Set "browser.xul.error_pages.enabled: true"
Set "content.interrupt.parsing: true"
Set "content.max.tokenizing.time: 3000000"
Set "content.maxtextrun: 8191"
Set "content.notify.backoffcount: 5"
Set "content.notify.interval: 750 000"
Set "content.notify.ontimer: true"
Set "content.switch.threshold: 750 000"
Set "network.http.max-connections: 32"
Set "network.http.max-connections-per-server: 8"
Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy: 8"
Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 4"
Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 8"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
Set "plugin.expose_full_path: true"
Set "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support: true"Thus Tricks Computer Tips on How to Speed ​​up Internet connection without the software may help you.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Windows 7 Always Get Safe Mode

Windows 7 Always Get Safe Mode is annoying because obviously you're stuck in safe mode it continuously. There can be several reasons why your computer boot and Always Go to Safe Mode. Most of the causes for the problem driver or file is corrupt. Running start up repair option from the installation disks often become a way out, but do not always succeed even can seem pointless.

And unfortunately, most users will not have the installation disk or recovery disk system. Before anything is done, let's see if windows automatically be set so that the Windows 7 Always Get Safe Mode.
Option Safe Mode In Windows 7
Windows can be configured to boot in Safe Mode. If Windows 7 stuck in Safe Mode, click the Start button and type msconfig in the search box and hit Enter. This will open the Microsoft System Configuration utility. Look under the Boot tab and make sure the box is unchecked Safe Boot.
Safe boot mode runs on:

  •     Safe boot: Minimal. Boot Windows will bring the system into Safe Mode, run the basic system services only once by default. Networking features are disabled.
  •     Safe boot: Alternate shell: Options Windows Command Prompt boot in safe mode. It also runs a basic system services only once by default. Networking features are disabled ..
  •     Safe boot - Active Directory repair: Same as the previous two safe boot, but here are running Active Directory.
  •     Safe boot - Network: Same as the previous three safe boot and additions to the networking is enabled.
  •     No GUI boot: This will not display the Windows desktop when booting.
  •     Boot log: Stores all information from the boot process in the file% SystemRoot * Ntbtlog.txt.
  •     Base video: The system will boot to the Windows desktop in minimal VGA mode. VGA drivers run in standard mode is not specific to the video hardware of the computer.
  •     Boot OS information: Displays the name of the driver during the boot process
  •     Make all boot settings permanent: When you activate the option, you can not roll back the changes that you do, when you select Normal Startup on the General tab, all options that you want to change back to be changed manually.

Windows 7 Always Go to Safe Mode and settlement
If the Boot options have been tried msconfig, but it does not solve the problem you should try other options to boot normally if Windows Always Get Safe Mode.

  1.     Try a System Restore. Click Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools> System Restore, try and reset the computer back to the date on which the computer was functioning normally. You will not lose any data.
  2.     Uninstall any new programs or remove any hardware that was recently added to the computer.

If Windows stuck in Safe Mode and you happen to have a full installation disk, try to do a Windows repair:

  •     Insert the Windows installation CD in the drive, and then start the computer.
  •     Press any key when you are prompted.
  •     Choose a language, a time, a currency, and a keyboard, and then click Next.
  •     Click Repair your computer.
  •     Click the operating system you want to fix, and then click Next.
  •     6. In the System Recovery Options box, click Startup Repair
  •     Restart the PC when the process is complete.

Ways to Overcome Computer Too Hot

The computer is too hot and you may not realize it. In addition to viruses, heat is one of the most dangerous threats to your computer. Many users even think that their computers have a virus, because the computer is too hot to have the same symptoms: PC running very slow and may reboot the PC or the computer may crash frequently.
Heat sensor on the new computer, often turning off the computer and force the cooling period before allowing the PC to be powered on again. It is important that users remain aware of the problem of heat and do the upgrade or maintenance of this better before permanent damage occurs to the hardware.
Here's 5 Ways to Overcome Computer Too Hot
These are some improvements that I suggest if you suspect your computer is overheating.

  •     Perform routine maintenance. Cumulative dust is an invisible killer. This dust clog and slow cooling, dust covered motherboard, video card and other components so that cooling is not working. Every few months, clean the casing and motherboard etc in your computer.
  •     Consider upgrading your power supply. A traditional power supply will have a tangle of wire-most of which have never been used. This limits the flow of air that can cause overheating. Besides the lack of good Power supply cooling is also not good.
  •     Evaluate your hard drive settings. Several cases of PC hard drive lets you set directly on top of each other. Hard drives generate more heat. If you have multiple hard drives, you should space them apart, or at least distance apart, in order to allow for better circulation. In addition, if you have an older IDE drive, replace it with a SATA drive interface cable thinner than the broader IDE cable. Even better, when you replace the hard drive, replace it with a Solid State Hard Drive.
  •     Reduce the number of programs running. Number of programs running will affect the CPU heat. Reduce the program running in the background is a good choice. Unnecessary programs, stop it. Click Start> Run and type msconfig, and press OK. This will open the Microsoft Configuration Utility. Under the Startup tab, remove all the programs you know do not have to run at startup. You may be surprised at how many programs that automatically loads itself.
  •     Attach an additional fan in the rear casing. Most of the casing has an extra fan, but there has to be added alone. The fan is mounted on the back of the computer, and will help pull the air out of the computer and prevents the buildup of dust in the power supply. The concept is to draw cold air so as to help circulate air over the CPU and the hot air out the back of the casing. But this can also increase the amount of dust coming into the casing. So if you use the front fan, be sure to remove your computer from the floor.