Thursday, August 5, 2010

iPhone Orders flooded, Foxconn Build New Plant

Still remember the events about Foxconn workers who committed suicide due to alleged
experiencing stress at work? Yes, companies from China, it seemed really overwhelmed orders. For that, through its subsidiary Foxconn, Futaihua Precision Electronics plans to establish another subsidiary.

The plant plans to employ nearly 200,000 employees, with a target of making 200,000 units of mobile phones each day. Most of the phones that are produced, namely the iPhone. Not only that, the factory that stood in central China is expected to generate U.S. $ 13 billion .

incidence of suicide in order not happen again, observers suggest if there are two things that must be considered a new factory which is named Pingzhen it. First, it allows the workers, especially for migrants to move house located close to the factory. Second, considering the amount of production so that there is no emphasis on excessive working hours.

"Ping Zhen means peace and quiet means. We will try to make
peaceful and quiet place, "said Deputy Manager of the factory, Lin Zhenghui. Lin
also explained to this day there are 500 new recruits who are ready to work.

Construction of this project is about to begin on August 20 and can be fully operational within one year. Foxconn is known to have large customers such as Apple to assemble homemade gadgets-gadget, the iPhone, iPad and iPod.

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